Viper Voice

Click HERE to view the Viper Voice for the week of January 13th to January 17th

Please click HERE to view information on Late French Immersion


Student Absence

VMS would like to introduce "SAFE ARRIVALS" Absence Reporting System

One of our greatest priorities is ensuring that all our students arrive safely to school every day.  To improve our safe arrival process, we are adding a new system that will make it easier for you to report – and respond to – school absences of your student.

The new student absence reporting system will let you use a mobile app, a web site, or an interactive toll-free phone line to report an absence in advance…


Click here for how to create a Student Quick Pay Account

Student Quick Pay Technical Support For Parents: https://www.studentquickpay.com/sd33/LegalDocs/ParentTechSupport.aspx


Strategic Plan

Vedder Middle School is a community of lifelong learners, who participate and strive for excellence in a safe and caring environment. We try to provide a variety of classroom and extracurricular activities and appropriate challenges to all our students in the pursuit of success and personal excellence.

The goal of Vedder Middle School is to improve student achievement. As a staff we are committed to improving communication with home, exploring balanced assessment practices and supporting our "at risk" learners by going "above and beyond" the classroom. Please view our School Strategic Plan/Growth Plan.

Tournament: 8 Boys vs ?
Day 2
8 Girls Basketball Practice
7 Boys Tournament Team Basketball Practice
Day 1
Gr. 7 Jazz Band